Accueil » Non classé » Des regroupements sociaux à Lima demandent la réforme complète du système économique monétaire

Des regroupements sociaux à Lima demandent la réforme complète du système économique monétaire

« Most organizations present pointed out that global capitalism and the current world economic system are the root causes of the problem. Protestors echoed this sentiment, demanding governments create policies to “save the planet, not the economy.” Radical systemic changes were thus central to protestors’ demands for solutions to prevent even worse environmental disasters in the coming years. »

Les recherches de l’IRASD permettent d’observer les stratégies comportementales décisionnelles des gouvernements et industries et d’identifier les défauts du système social depuis plus de 30 ans. Nos conclusions sont les mêmes que de nombreux analystes :

L’IRASD prédit qu’aucune stratégie de mitigation des changements climatiques ne sera jamais présentée ni adoptée par les décideurs

L’architecture sociale, appuyée sur les connaissances scientifiques du système humain est la seule approche possible pour identifier les défauts de conception du système social qui favorisent la dégradation de l’environnement biophysique et du climat. Cette compréhension est le seul chemin possible vers l’élaboration de solutions sociales viables et durables pour assurer la pérennité de la civilisation et la survie de l’espèce humaine.

South America’s Largest Ever Environmental March


On Wednesday, estimates indicate that up to 15,000 people took part in the March in Defense of Mother Earth in Lima, Peru. People came together from all over the world in what was the largest march in Peru in decades and the largest environmental demonstration in South America.

The march was organized by social organizations to pressure government authorities meeting at the COP 20, the official UN Climate Change Conference.

One of the organizers, Laura Santa Cruz, explained, « We expected this many people because we have put all our efforts into this, we have worked without rest, and we have struggled to push this forward. We believe that it is necessary to articulate our cause at a global level to confront the [environment] crisis that is already affecting us, and that only seems to be getting worse.”

Most organizations present pointed out that global capitalism and the current world economic system are the root causes of the problem. Protestors echoed this sentiment, demanding governments create policies to “save the planet, not the economy.” Radical systemic changes were thus central to protestors’ demands for solutions to prevent even worse environmental disasters in the coming years.


One international campaign group, Avaaz, put forward a proposal for “100 percent clean energy.” After the march concluded, they delivered 2.2 million signatures in support of their campaign to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Peruvian President Ollanta Humala, and Peruvian Environmental Minister and President of this year´s COP, Pulgar Vidal. Avaaz president Lain Keith stated, « The public call for 100 percent clean energy has gone mainstream, and finally leaders are starting to respond with ambitious targets. Now, from Lima to Paris, ministers must defend and deliver what the world needs: firm commitments to totally end carbon pollution. »

But a different discussion seems to be taking place at the UN Conference on Climate Change, with negotiations are taking much longer than planned. And while it is expected that a deal will be struck by the COP20’s conclusion, the speed and tone of the discussions are already setting the stage for unsatisfactory results. Negotiations started today on the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), the commitments that should be put in place before the signing of a final accord next year in Paris, France.

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  1. irasdssari dit :

    A reblogué ceci sur Enjeux énergies et environnement.


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